My name is Haruko Yoshida, representative of PLANTAGE Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our website. I would like to greet you all, including how I came to open this shop.
At present, as a pharmacist, I am involved in a pharmacy and traditional Japanese kampo medicine consultation business, and I listen to the worries of many patients. Everyone's concerns about their health and illness are different. Some patients tell me with a smile that they feel better than before, while many others are worried about the lack of improvement and often ask for my advice.
The circumstances that led to the illness can be complicated by not only physical problems, but also mental factors, living environment and many other factors. Today, there are many therapeutic medicines with excellent efficacy, but in order to maximise their therapeutic effects, we are aware of the importance of reviewing our daily lives, especially our dietary habits, rather than relying on medicines. For example, lifestyle diseases, allergic diseases and autoimmune diseases are often strongly influenced by a person's eating habits and preferences.
It would be a great waste if the effects of the medicines they are taking were not fully realised. My focus is not only on explaining how to take the medicines and how they work, but also on providing information to help patients review their eating habits and become aware of their own needs.
As a pharmacist, I am in a position to help patients, but sometimes I get sick myself. I always want to be healthy myself, and I also want my family, close friends and other people around me to have a smile on their face. And I always think about what I can do for their health.
Based on our experience, we wondered if we could provide a catalyst for improving lifestyle habits and raising health awareness, as well as a product that is easy to incorporate into daily life, and Plantage was born. Using our experience and knowledge of Western medicine, our study of medicinal plants and our involvement in Oriental medicine (traditional Kampo medicine), we have created original herbal teas that combines the properties of traditional Western herbs with those of oriental plants.
After the global outbreak of infectious diseases, we were reminded of the importance of thinking and acting on our own about disease prevention and health care. We have been reminded that the most important thing is not to treat illness after it has occurred, but to prevent it from occurring and to take care of it when it does.
One thing we can do on a daily basis as part of preventive medicine is to improve our eating habits. We believe that the simple act of choosing what to eat and what not to eat, taking into account your constitution and physical condition, is the secret to feeling well every day.
We are committed to offering products that help you manage your health through your daily diet.
Representative of PLANTAGE Co., Ltd.
Pharmasict / International Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor
Haruko Yoshida

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